Submit Your Draft Registration

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You can submit your registration once the draft is completed. Registration includes two processes: submission and archiving. Submission includes the steps to submit a registration which is slightly different depending on if you started a blank registration without a project or started it from a project or component. Archiving includes the steps of contributor approval and storing the submission in the OSF database. Use the sections below to navigate to the appropriate section.


Submitting Your Registration

When you get to the last page in your template, click the Review button.

A preview of your completed template will appear.

Review your answers. If you see anything you want to change, use the left navigation bar (1), the edit icons (2), or the "Back" button (3) to navigate to that section. 

Click the Register button when you're ready, and a window will appear.

If you are registering from a project, you will be asked if you want to include any components. This will not be displayed if you created a blank registration or if your project did not contain any components.

Read and ensure you are comfortable with the contents within the window, then click  “Continue”. An additional window with information about registration embargo options will appear. Decide if you want to make your registration public immediately or embargoed.


Selecting Enter registration into embargo will display a Choose embargo end date button.

Select the Choose embargo end date button to display a calendar window. Select a date that the embargo will end and the registration will be made public. You can embargo it for up to four years.


Selecting Make registration public immediately will display the Create DOI checkbox. Select the checkbox if you want to associate a DOI with your registration. 

Note: DOIs are available only for public registrations and will be automatically minted starting Summer 2021.

Then, click the Submit button to start the archiving process of your submission.

Finalize Your Preregistration

Clicking Submit will take you to the registration pending page. If you started a blank registration (Read More), a project will be made available for you to support your research needs and collaboration, regardless if the registration is approved or not.

Your submission will be in a "pending" state until the archiving process is completed. You will know if your registration is pending or if archiving is complete by label in the top left corner.

Archiving Your Registration

When a project is submitted, all admin contributors on the project are notified via email and given the chance to approve or cancel the preregistration. Admin contributors have 48 hours to approve or cancel the submission.

The preregistration goes into effect if one of the following criteria are met:

  • All admin contributors have approved the submission
  • 48 hours have passed (whichever comes first)

If one admin contributor disapproves the preregistration, the submission will be cancelled and it will be returned as a draft. You will be notified via email if an administrator disapproves the preregistration.

Important: Do not add, edit, or delete any files or contents during the archiving process. Doing so results in archiving failure, and a new registration will be required.

If you are submitting to a branded registry, then the registration may require moderation. Read more about Moderation in Submit To A Branded Registry.

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